# | What is the oldest US National Park? | Grand Canyon | Yosemite | Yellowstone | The Badlands | 3
1 | What is the longest bridge span in the US? | Golden Gate Bridge | Verrazano-Narrows Bridge | George Washington Bridge | Lake Pontchartrain Bridge | 2 |
2 | Where is the retired Queen Mary berthed? | Boston Harbor | San Francisco Bay | Norfolk Naval Yard | Long Beach Harbor | 4 |
3 | What is the oldest US city? | Boston | Richmond | St Augustine | New York | 3 |
4 | In which state are the ten thousand lakes? | Minnesota | New York | Michigan | Wisconsin | 1 |
5 | In which state are the ten thousand islands? | North Carolina | Michigan | Florida | Maine | 3 |
6 | Which state is bordered by eight other states? | Missouri | Tennessee | Arkansas | Massachusetts | 2 |
7 | In which city is Grant's tomb? | Appomattox | Dover | Philadelphia | New York | 4 |
8 | What is the largest US seaport on the Gulf of Mexico? | Mobile | New Orleans | Tampa | Houston | 2 |
9 | What is the 'Land of the Midnight Sun'? | Norway | Japan | Alaska | Greenland | 1 |
10 | The Orient Express runs from Paris to: | Peking | Hong Kong | Istanbul | Kabul | 3 |
11 | How many islands comprise Indonesia? | 367 | 528 | 1263 | 1367 | 4 |
12 | What is the world's hottest city? | Cebu Phillipines | Timbuktu Mali | Caracus Venezuela | Bogata Columbia | 2 |
13 | What is the world's coldest city? | Ulan Bator Mongolia | Fairbanks Alaska | Irkutsk Siberia | Bergen Norway | 1 |
14 | What is the world's highest mountain? | Mc Kinley | Everest | Matterhorn | Jungfrau | 2 |
15 | What is the former name of Sri Lanka? | Madagascar | Crete | Ceylon | British Somoliland | 3 |
16 | What is the former name of Leningrad? | Kiev | Sevastapol | Budapest | St Petersburg | 4 |
17 | Where is the 'Sea of Tranquility'? | South Pacific | Hawaiian Islands | On the Moon | Florida Keys | 3 |
18 | What is the highest mountain in Africa? | Merapi | Kilimanjaro | Cameroon | Nyirangongo | 2 |
19 | Who was Abel's younger brother? | Sham | Cain | Seth | Japheth | 3 |
20 | Because of sin God destroyed Sodom and: | Gomorrah | Gilgal | Babel | Hebron | 1 |
21 | When her son Isaac was born Sarah was: | 60 years old | 70 years old | 80 years old | 90 years old | 4 |
22 | Who was sold into slavery by his brothers? | James | Joseph | Enoch | Andrew | 2 |
23 | To whom did God speak out of a burning bush? | Aaron | Jacob | Moses | Paul | 3 |
24 | Who Killed 69 of his brothers to become king? | Agrippa | Abimelech | Rehoboam | Abijah | 2 |
25 | Who Killed 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass? | Solomon | Samuel | Samson | Saul | 3 |
26 | Who succeeded David as king of Isreal? | Solomon | Samuel | Rehoboam | Absalom | 1 |
27 | Who was not a prophet? | Jeroboam | Isaiah | Ezekiel | Jeremiah | 1 |
28 | Which disciple cut off Malchus' ear with his sword? | Matthew | James | Peter | John | 3 |
29 | Who was the first to see Jesus after His resurrection? | Peter | James | Mary | Barnabus | 3 |
30 | Where was Saul going when Jesus confronted him? | Antioch | Jerico | Babylon | Damascus | 4 |
31 | Who did God send to Saul in Damascus? | Peter | Ananias | Barnabas | Silas | 2 |
32 | What was Luke's profession? | Physician | Fisherman | Carpenter | Tent maker | 1 |
33 | On his way to Rome Paul was shipwrecked on which island? | Crete | Cyprus | Malta | Sicily | 3 |
34 | Paul was executed in a prison in: | Caesarea | Damascus | Galatia | Rome | 4 |
35 | Who wrote the book of Revelations? | Paul | John | Luke | David | 2 |
36 | How many churches in Asia were mentioned in Revelations? | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 3 |
37 | Where were the disciples first called Christians? | Antioch | Rome | Ephesus | Colosse | 1 |
38 | What is the distance between bases in pro baseball? | 60 ft | 75ft | 90 ft | 100ft | 3 |
39 | What was the first organized baseball team? (1845) | NY Yankees | NY Knickerbockers | Cleveland Indians | Boston Red Socks | 2 |
40 | How many furlongs in a mile? | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 2 |
41 | Which NFL team gave up three touchdowns and only twenty points all season? | '27 Giants | '35 Bears | '38 Packers | '40 Rams | 1 |
42 | Where is the Cotton Bowl? | Pasadena | Birmingham | Phoenix | Dallas | 4 |
43 | What is the distance between uprights in an NFL goalpost? | 20 ft | 20 yds | 18 ft 6 in | 24 ft | 3 |
44 | What is the number of pawns in a chess game? | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 4 |
45 | What is Mark Sptiz's sport? | Hurdles | Diving | Skiing | Swimming | 4 |
46 | What is the New England Patriots home town? | Boston | Danbury | Foxboro | Springfield | 3 |
47 | What is the former home of the L.A. Dodgers? | Pittsburg | Baltimore | Brooklyn | Philadelphia | 3 |
48 | What is Groucho Marx's real name? | George | Julius | Gregory | James | 2 |
49 | What is the TV series that Clint Eastwood starred in before he got into movies? | Gunsmoke | The Rifleman | Rawhide | Bonanza | 3 |
50 | Who played Lenny Bruce in the film 'Lennie'? | Woody Allen | Arlo Guthrie | Ryan O'Neil | Dustin Hoffman | 4 |
51 | What was Johnny Cash's first million seller? | Folsom Prison Blues | I Walk The Line | A Boy Named Sue | Don't Take Your Guns to Town | 2 |
52 | Who was the first foreign singer to win a Grammy country award (1973)? | Olivia Newton-John | Paul McCartney | Kim Carnes | John Lennon | 1 |
53 | What is Alice Cooper's real name? | Marian Bernstein | Bobby Lawson | Vince Furnier | Theobald Simmons | 3 |
54 | What was Amos Jacobs' stage name? | Sidney Poitier | Danny Thomas | William Bendix | Art Carney | 2 |
55 | Who hosted 'Lets make a deal'? | Bert Parks | Richard Dawsen | Chuck Woolery | Monte Hall | 4 |
56 | What insect has been around since the dinosaurs? | Tick | Praying mantis | Cockroach | Scorpion | 3 |
57 | What is the world's fastest animal? | Cheetah | Greyhound | Leopard | Panther | 1 |
58 | A cignet is a: | Precious stone | Small bottle of wine | Smokeless tobacco product | Young swan | 4 |
59 | Name the first member of the Animal Hall of Fame. | Rin-Tin-Tin | Lassie | Flipper | Spuds McKensie | 2 |
60 | Which mammal lays eggs? | Marten | Wombat | Platypus | Mink | 3 |
61 | What is the world's largest snake? | Anaconda | King cobra | Burmese python | Reticulate python | 1 |
62 | Which animal is not a rodent? | Beaver | Muskrat | Otter | Porcupine | 3 |
63 | An ibex is related to a: | Gazelle | Mountain goat | Hare | Buffalo | 2 |
64 | A flying fox is closest related to a: | Gray fox | Flying squirrel | Owl | Bat | 4 |
65 | An Alaskan brown bear can get as large as: | 800 lbs | 1200 lbs | 1600 lbs | 2000 lbs | 3 |
66 | Elvis' mansion in Memphis is called: | Heartbreak Hotel | Priscilla's Palace | Presleyworld | Graceland | 4 |
67 | Who was arrested in 1872 for trying to vote? | Carrie Chapman Catt | Susan B Anthony | Elizabeth Cady Stanton | Dred Scott | 2 |
68 | What organization did Clara Barton found in 1881? | American Red Cross | Salvation Army | Y.W.C.A. | D.A.R. | 1 |
69 | What US battleship was blown up in Havana harbor in 1898? | USS Arizona | USS New Jersey | USS Maine | USS Oklahoma | 3 |
70 | In 1956 the Andrea Dorea sunk when it collided with: | An iceberg | Soviet sub Derflinger | The Stockholm | A coral reef | 3 |
71 | Who was the youngest elected US president? | William Harding | John Quincy Adams | Woodrow Wilson | John Fitzgerald Kennedy | 4 |
72 | The Oregon Trail ended at Fort Vancouver Washington after starting in: | Philadelphia | Chicago | Omaha | St Louis | 4 |
73 | Who invented the pneumatic tire in 1888? | Dunlop | Michelin | Goodrich | Cooper | 1 |
74 | What was the first state to abolish slavery? | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | Massachusetts | New York | 2 |
75 | Christopher Columbus named Venezuela to mean: | 'My Paradise' | 'Bountiful Fruit' | 'Little Venice' | 'Tropical Paradise' | 3 |
76 | What is a 'Jihad'? | Sand storm | Camel train | Mirage | Moslem holy war | 4 |
77 | In what year was the Berlin Wall erected? | 1955 | 1958 | 1961 | 1965 | 3 |
78 | On what battleship did the Japanese officially surrender? | USS Arizona | USS New Jersey | USS Colorado | USS Missouri | 4 |
79 | Who said 'I never met a man I didn't like'? | Winston Churchill | Will Rogers | P.T. Barnum | Henry Kissenger | 2 |
80 | What is the former name of Istanbul? | Mesopotamia | Constantinopol | Thessalonica | Macedonia | 2 |
81 | What is the former name of Bangledesh? | East Pakistan | Surinam | Ceylon | Madagascar | 1 |
82 | How many yards in a mile? | 880 | 1320 | 1760 | 2240 | 3 |
83 | What is a yurt? | A watering hole | A Tibetan coin | A Mongolian tent | A cross between a yak and a water buffalo | 3 |
84 | Of what material is parchment made? | Bark | Camels hair | Wool | Leather | 4 |
85 | In what month is the Earth closest to the Sun? | July | August | January | December | 3 |
86 | Ergophobia is a fear of: | Gambling | Work | Becoming ill | Driving too fast | 2 |
87 | Which US president was born Leslie Lynch King Jr? | Gerald Ford | Harry Truman | Lyndon Johnston | Woodrow Wilson | 1 |
88 | What is the world's most universally consumed beverage? | Coffee | Tea | Wine | Pepsi | 2 |
89 | How much does a gallon of water weigh? | 8.33 pounds | 16.66 pounds | 4.167 pounds | 12.625 pounds | 1 |
90 | What is the fastest fish? | Blue marlin | Barracuda | Swordfish | Sailfish | 3 |
91 | Where is Alligator Alley? | Orlando to Cape Canaveral Florida | Mobile Alabama to Pensacola florida | Ft Lauderdale to Naples Florida | Corpus Christi to Brownsville Texas | 3 |
92 | Who wrote 'Born Free'? | Joy Adamson | Jean George | Marguerite Henry | Mary Stold | 1 |
93 | Who wrote 'Little Women'? | Annabel Johnson | Louisa May Alcott | Natalie Babbitt | Mark Twain | 2 |
94 | Who wrote 'Peter Pan'? | Frank Baum | Beatrix Potter | Hans Christian Anderson | James M Barry | 4 |
95 | Who wrote 'The Wizard of Oz'? | Ian Fleming | Annabel Johnson | Frank L Baum | C S Lewis | 3 |
96 | Who was the main character in Lewis Carroll's fantasy? | Peter Pan | Alice | Pippi | Charlotte | 2 |
97 | What animal was the main character in Felix Salten's story book? | Fawn | Bunny | Bear | Horse | 1 |
98 | What does the German word 'schliessen' mean? | to slice | to close | to sneak | to shoot | 2 |
99 | What does the Spanish word 'madera' mean? | park | vine | wood | modern | 3